
Vivai Mazzoni

Agricultural society Vivai Mazzoni
Via del Mare, 4
44039 Tresigallo (Ferrara) – Italy

Production partner

Producing fruit for today's market involves passion, professionalism and the appropriate technical methods. Mazzoni Nurseries utilizes its thirty years of experience to produce strawberry plants, fruit plants, rootstocks, asparagus crowns and vine rootstocks in order to meet the needs of the most demanding producers.

Productivity, reduction of farming costs, general health of both the plants and fruit, as well as respect for the environment are all values that inspires the company daily in its research for innovative solutions.

The importance of the region

Mazzoni Nurseries works mainly on the land around the Adriatic coast. The climate is very favourable and the soil is classified as sandy, which favours the development of the plant root system.

Leading technology

Mazzoni Nurseries boasts first class technological equipment, making it one of the leading European companies in the sector: each year it is dedicated to the open field production of more than 200 hectares of plants and 15 hectares of greenhouses with electronically controlled irrigation systems to grow the misted tips, minitrays and trays.

Its expert technical staff monitor all open field production. Mazzoni Nurseries has been directly producing fresh strawberry plants in Poland for the last three years.

Supply chain - The value of the supply chain

The nurseries are just one part of the Mazzoni Group: for decades it has been actively involved in research into new varieties (visit CIV - Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti website) and in the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables. Thanks to their direct experience Mazzoni Nurseries is fully aware of all of the problems within the sector and can offer producers the most appropriate solutions for the modern market.

The CIV (Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti), of which Mazzoni Nurseries has been a founding member since 1983, carries out research into new strawberry, apple and pear varieties, ever closer to the desires of consumers whilst also being conscious of production requirements. CIV has discovered and patented more than 20 new varieties of strawberries and two important apple varieties: RUBENS® and MODI'®

The MAZZONI AGRICULTURAL COMPANY, certified by EUREP-GAP® and TESCO NATURE CHOICE takes part in important brand chain projects. The main fruit products are apples and pears; while the vegetables include carrots, potatoes, processed tomatoes, watermelons, melons and garlic.
MAZZONI S.p.A. has marketed fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables across Europe for more than 50 years.
